


I hold an NTEC accredited Nutrition & Cancer qualification and I specialise in gut problems. If you are pre, during or post cancer treatment and suffering from ongoing gut symptoms I can help you. I can offer full nutritional support to you alongside your conventional medical treatment. Please contact me for a free 15-minute discovery call where we can discuss your situation and find out if we’re a good match to work together. In the meantime, please be kind to yourself for the journey you are on.


I have an extensive background educating groups of adults with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and within a 1:1 capacity in my Health Coaching practice. If you have Autism and need nutritional support to alleviate gut or mood symptoms then you can be sure that I will provide all explanations about your health to you in a way that reaches you, including visual aids to enhance your understanding.

Claire managed to glue me in the ‘now’ during our sessions, which is very likely a real achievement for individuals on the Autistic spectrum.
— Richard, London

Film Industry Professionals

As a silent partner for a Film & TV business and with clients in the industry I fully appreciate the relentlessness of a shoot day: the long & unsociable hours,  night-shoots, working under pressure to intense deadlines, little time (if any) to take a break or eat while surrounded by an endless supply of food and drinks whilst making quick decisions on what to eat under time constraints. I understand how these obstacles may impact on your gut function and energy levels. I can offer full 1:1 support to you during a shoot to help you keep on track, maintain your energy levels, support your gut function and provide daily menu selecting support via text.

Contact me for further information about a bespoke Film & TV package: claire@thegutcoachnutritionist.com / +447745 540820

 It’s time to feel better